Why I write my blog: To defend the Lord’s sheep.

Having lived a former homosexual lifestyle before I committed my life to Christ, I experienced and lived much of the destructive behaviour and preached much of the false doctrines of men that the LGBT community tends to espouse and defend. It was a major part of my life and identity. But, since having been born again, and, like Alma the Younger, having been one of the “vilest of sinners” and having “suffered much anguish of soul because of [my] iniquities,” and having been spared by God according to his infinite mercy; I also have zealously strived to repair all the injuries which I have caused, confessing my sins, and proclaiming the redemption I have received through Christ Jesus. Because of the salvation that I have received, and the debt that has been paid on my behalf through Jesus’ blood, it is my delight and responsibility to labour without ceasing to stand for and teach the truth; to help bring others to the Saviour. Part of this entails bringing light to and dispelling damaging doctrines that are creeping into the congregations of the Restored Church from the secular LGBT community. 

I know the ins and outs of the gay community; a unique perspective that many within the Church, especially its leaders, do not have. I don’t say any of this to aggrandise myself to my own glory—I’m a fallen sinner in need of God’s grace just like the rest of humanity—but, because of this experience and perspective, I feel a responsibility to speak out against certain damning doctrines and teachings that I knew and lived in my former gay lifestyle, and which I now sadly see are beginning to permeate throughout the Latter-day Saint laity. 

No, I do not have the keys to direct the work of salvation, but each of us is covenant-bound to be the Saviour’s hands and feet. We all bear the responsibility to emulate him and act as his representatives in mortality. Part of this responsibility means that we must, at times, defend his sheep from the proverbial “wolves” seeking to devour his flock. 

Jesus taught, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. … and I lay down my life for the sheep” (John 10:11-15).

Sadly, some of the sheep in the fold are transforming into wolves themselves, knowingly or not, and are devouring their own kind. These wolves may even think that they are sheep still, but their actions are spiritually deadly nonetheless. But, my prayer for any wolf, is that they may recognise the error of their ways, repent, and partake of Jesus’ salvation, as I was blessed to receive; that they may once again be counted in the Shepherd’s flock or come into it anew.

Although an imperfect servant myself, I seek not to be a hired hand, but to nurture, protect, and, yes, even defend the sheep, like the Good Shepherd.


New FSY Guide clarifies doctrine regarding Same-Sex Attraction & Dating.


Same-Sex Sealings: Inevitably to be permitted by the Brethren?