Comprehensive List of Support Resources

Are you an LGBT “ally” or looking for resources for yourself? Below is a comprehensive list of truly faithful LDS LGBT resources—and what to avoid.


It’s been a tremendous concern of ours here at Beacon to only provide resources that we’re 100% certain align with the official doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and that are not alluding or openly seeking to change the doctrine relating to marriage and gender identity. Elder M Russell Ballard said: “False prophets and false teachers are those who arrogantly attempt to fashion new interpretations of the scriptures … False prophets and false teachers are also those who attempt to change the God-given and scripturally based doctrines that protect the sanctity of marriage … They advocate a redefinition of morality to justify … homosexual relationships. Some openly champion the legalization of so-called same-gender marriages. To justify their rejection of God’s immutable laws that protect the family, these false prophets and false teachers even attack the inspired proclamation on the family …” (Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers, October 1999).

With that in mind, a true ally for same-sex-attracted/gender-dysphoric/LBGT members is one who shows support, charity, and compassion, in a way that helps inspire those individuals to stay faithful to the Lord and their covenants with him. Encouraging LGBT members to engage in same-sex romantic relationships or to transition their gender is not being a true ally. It’s most unfortunate that the most well-known and popular LDS-run platforms and resources almost always promote influencers who either implicitly or explicitly peddle ideas that contradict gospel doctrines. So, in an effort to help vulnerable same-sex-attracted or gender-dysphoric Latter-day Saints, and allies alike—who are trying their best to navigate the incredibly complicated journey with faith and sexual or gender identity—to find truly faithful resources to help them on the covenant path, and to avoid the deceitful, flattering voices of the plethora of false prophets and teachers within the Church, we’re providing this comprehensive list of supportive resources, and advising which ones to avoid. Although we’ve sought diligently to find you the best resources, we urge all seekers to rely primarily on the Holy Spirit to find those resources that align most closely with the doctrines and teachings of the Restored Gospel and the prophets.


Life Help: Same-Sex Attraction & Transgender Pages

  • Unfortunately, the only resource dedicated to the SSA or gender-dysphoria experiences are their “Same-Sex Attraction” or “Transgender” pages in the Life Help section of the Church website.

  • The Church does not offer any official support groups or support manuals specifically addressing these issues, like with the Addiction Recovery Program, which is exclusively for overcoming substance abuse or sexual addictions.


These resources strictly uphold the doctrines and policies of the Church regarding marriage, the use procreative powers, and the eternal nature of gender identity, as outlined in The Family: A Proclamation to the World.

Support Organizations & Groups:

Beacon: Ministry for Same-Sex-Attracted Latter-day Saints

  • Local, confidential support group holding meetings in Rexburg, Idaho.

North Star International

  • The largest support organization for members anywhere on the same-sex attraction or gender-dysphoria spectrum and their family and friends.

  • Hosts an annual conferences.

  • Has several confidential Facebook supportive groups for different demographics.

Podcasts & Blogs:

Musings of a Queer Saint Blog

  • Blog authored by Tember Harward and other SSA members, detailing their stories and experiences, and various articles addressing challenging topics regarding faith and SSA.

Sit Down with Sky & Amanda Podcast

  • Navigating a divisive world in a mixed-orientation marriage, hosts Sky Sorensen, a gay member, and his wife Amanda, discuss various topics relating LGBT issues and the Church. Follow on Instagram or Facebook @sitdownwithsky, and other podcasting platforms.

Sons of God Podcast

  • Host Andrew Davis, an SSA member, interviews different faithful SSA members to hear the stories of their journeys with faith and SSA.


Exclude not Thyself: How to Thrive As a Covenant-Keeping, Gay Latter-day Saint

  • Author Skyler Sorensen, a gay man, tells his story with SSA, faith, and mixed-orientation marriage, and removes any doubt you might have as to whether a gay Latter-day Saint can remain a faithful member of the Church.

In Quiet Desperation: Understanding the Challenge of Same-Gender Attraction

  • Authors Fred and Marilyn Matis discuss they’ve approached their SSA son’s journey with love. Co-author, Ty Mansfield also discusses his own journey with SSA, the challenges he’s faced, and how he continues with faith in the gospel.

Is He Nuts?: Why a Gay Man Would Become a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ

  • Author Dennis Schleicher details his experience seeking for love and acceptance living an open gay lifestyle, but not being about to find what he was looking for until he left his old lifestyle and found the Restored Gospel.

This Boy and His Mother: Healing from Trauma as a Gay Latter-day Saint

  • Author Preston Jenkins, the missionary mentioned in Elder Holland’s talk, Behold Thy Mother, chronicles his struggles with the gospel and SSA, and his journey back to faith and activity in the Church.

Voices of Hope: Latter-day Saint Perspectives on Same-Gender Attraction―An Anthology of Gospel Teachings and Personal Essays

  • A compilation by Ty Mansfield of inspired messages from notable LDS authors, and the accounts of various SSA members and their stories of faith.

Interfaith, LDS-Adjacent Resources:

Although these are not run exclusively by LDS members or designed strictly for an LDS audience, many or most of the facilitators and participants are LDS, and the materials used align with gospel doctrine.

Brothers Road

  • Brothers Road facilitates the Journey into Manhood men’s retreat and other events to help men of various religious backgrounds experiencing SSA, who want to be faithful to traditional sexual ethics, to address and heal wounds and trauma, and better embrace their God-given masculinity.

Discover Identity

  • Discover Identity facilitates the As I Am men’s retreat, and other events, which are centred on the teachings of Jesus Christ, to help men address and heal various wounds and trauma, including, but not limited to, the wounds surrounding the experience of SSA.

LifeSTAR Network

  • Although not exlcusively for members dealing with SSA, this is an invaluable workshop for pornography and sexual addiction recovery, healing from betrayal trauma, and rebuilding your marriage after an affair.

Check out these other resources or programs led by Christians of different denominations that are in harmony with gospel principles and align with Biblical sexual ethics:

Desert Stream Ministries

  • Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries provides help for Christians struggling with sexual and relational problems, including SSA and gender identity issues. Their help is based on the biblical foundation of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God. Founded by Andrew Cominsky and other individuals who left a homosexual lifestyle to follow Christ.

Husband Material Ministries

  • This ministry, led by Drew Boa, is primarily focused on helping Christian men “outgrow” pornography, but they have some of the best materials out there addressing and dealing with the root issues contributing to unwanted sexual behaviors and attractions. They host an annual men’s retreat and various webinars and personalized coaching for community members.

Living Hope Ministries

  • This Texas-based ministry provides a safe place for individuals seeking restoration and healing through weekly support group meetings, moderated online support forums, in-depth discipleship programs, and active partnerships with churches around the world.

Reintegrative Therapy Association

  • Therapy technique pioneered by devout Catholic, Dr Joseph Nicolosi, Sr, in which the client and therapist agree to work together toward clearly defined objectives as defined by the client, and agreed upon by the client and the therapist, to address wounds or traumas from the client’s formative years. Those goals and objectives can always be redefined.

Restored Hope Network

  • Restored Hope is a membership governed, inter-denominational, Christian network dedicated to restoring hope to those broken by sexual and relational sin, especially those impacted by homosexuality.

Shannon Rants, LMFT

  • Shannon feels a specific responsibility and privilege to come along side others on their healing journey, offering hope and understanding in the areas of gender, sexuality, trauma and relationships. Her heart desires to therapeutically meet one in the midst of their pain in order to help comfort amidst the despair and offer support and practical steps toward a better way of living.


We are simply listing these resources to warn the earnest seeker that we have found, through our diligent vetting, that these resources are dangerously out of line with the doctrine of the Restored Gospel and the teachings of the prophets. Although many of these groups and the individuals running or authoring these resources and platforms often claim to be “faithful” or “covenant-keeping,” they either explicitly or implicitly voice opinions that contradict the doctrines and teachings of the Church, and some veer into apostasy by openly advocating for the Church to change eternal doctrines to allow for same-sex marriage and gender transitioning. We have known many faithful Latter-day Saints who have cited these resources and individuals as their inspiration to stray from their covenants and to enter into same-sex marriages and/or to stray from the Church, so we forewarn any honest seeker to the faith-deconstructing nature of their content.

Please note: We condemn in the strongest terms anyone who uses the the list below to physically or verbally harass or attack any of the individuals associated with the groups or publications referenced—this is not the Christian way. Most, if not all, of the individuals listed below have the best of intentions, but have been deceived by the philosophies of men mingled with Scripture. They deserve to be treated with respect and charity. We pray they will repent and return to the pure doctrine of the Restored Gospel.

Affirmation - LGBTQ Mormons, Families, & Friends

Emmaus LGBTQ Ministry

I’ll Walk with You

Lift + Love

Mama Dragons

Mormons Building Bridges

Beyond the Block by Derek Knox & James Jones

Gay Latter-day Saint Crossroads by Evan & Cheryl Smith

Listen, Learn, & Love by Richard Oslter

Questions from the Closet by Ben Schilaty & Charlie Bird

A Walk in my Shoes by Ben Schilaty

Without the Mask by Charlie Bird

Expanding the Borders of Zion: A Latter-day Saint Perspective on LGBTQ Inclusion by Charlie Bird

Queer Mormon Theology by Blaire Ostler

Latter Gay Stories Podcast by Kyle Ashworth