Musings of a Queer Saint
“An amalgamation of my random thoughts and insights relating to anything concerning same-sex attraction and Latter-day Saint doctrine and culture. Yes, my grammar and punctuation might be little off, but I’m making my voice heard and writing anyway. Enjoy.”
— Tember Harward
Please note: Specific beliefs, behaviours, and individual’s choices are often critiqued in this blog out of concern for the adverse ramifications of those beliefs, behaviours, and choices. Expressing disagreement with and concern for one’s beliefs or actions is not the same as attacking that individual or group, and originates from the authors’ love for the individuals or groups in question, and their concern for their welfare. Please, do not misconstrue the expressions of disagreement or criticism in these posts as the authors attacking or shaming individuals or groups. We deeply love all men and women and desire the best for their spiritual welfare; we know that the best spiritual welfare is achieved through surrendering our wills to Jesus Christ and living his gospel.

Men: Seeking to Enrich & Magnify Your Godly Masculinity? Attend the ‘As I Am’ Men’s Retreat!

The Support we REALLY Need as LDS Men Experiencing Same-Sex Attraction or Mental Health Issues: Genuine Friends

LGBT Ally? Here’s a Comprehensive List of TRULY Faithful LDS LGBT Resources—and What to AVOID

How a Lack of Healthy Nudity Exacerbates Body Dysmorphia and the Hypersexulisation of Society

Homosexuality is Just Something That We Know How to Do

My Response to David Archuleta, as a Faithful, Gay Latter-day Saint

A Kingdom that will not be Left to Other People

‘Thinking Celestial’ also means living ‘celestial masculinity.’ What does that look like?

‘Do you want to go away as well?’ Will we be offended by ‘hard’ doctrines?

Yes, you are broken. No, you’re not perfect just the way you are—and that’s OK!

How long halt ye between two opinions on ‘Same-Sex Marriage’? A plea to my fellow LGBT Saints.

Joy is Inextricably Connected to Procreation

Reintegrative Therapy is Not ‘Conversion Therapy’

Are Men Starving for Platonic Physical Touch from Male Friends?

Is it ‘Gay’ for Men to Hold Hands with Each Other?

Ultimate Belonging is Found in Jesus Christ.

Dear Church Leaders: We desperately need your Help.

How my Ancestors help me in my journey with Faith & Same-Sex Attraction.

David Archuletta: The grass is deceptively greener on the other side.